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Why do we do things we know we will regret?

Scientists have discovered that thoughts that cause emotions
usually answer questions similar to the following:

  • Was it unexpected?

  • Was what happened interesting?

  • Will what happened make it easier or harder for me to get what I want?

  • Can I control Control refers to the ability to change something if you don't like it, and Control refers to the ability to keep things the way they are if you like them. What will happen next?

  • Will I be able to cope? Coping with something means finding a way to live (or adapt) to the change in your life without feeling resentful for too long. with what happened?

  • Does what happened align with my beliefs in terms of right and wrong?

  • Was what happened because of me or someone else?

When something happens, you will feel different ?


Depending on your brain's answer to these different questions. question arises here, have you ever felt for it? Sometimes people feel they don't notice any thoughts about difficult to understand, but scientists brain sometimes triggers an emotional brain may have noticed something in a certain emotional response, without you scientists have discovered that our “unconscious aware of them. the function example, if your bike just think you can't do anything depending on your brain's answer to these different questions. For broke, you'll probably feel sad if you to fix it (which means you don't think your best friend moves away from you, your Less likely if you think you'll be able to And if you think it's wrong not to share likely feel angry when no one shares time you feel pay attention through, and ask determine the you have control), or if level of sadness will be cope and make new friends. your inner self, you will anything with you. But the an emotion did not know the reason certain emotions eve though them. This is something that have discovered that your reaction, meaning that your situation and triggered a noticing anything. In fact minds do many things without us noticing them, and this is called processes” are the things that your mind does without you being For example, your mind controls many things in your body now; Like of your heart and stomach, even if you don't notice it. The next a certain emotion and you don't know the reason behind it, try to to what is happening in the current situation you are going yourself the seven questions mentioned above, it may help you reason for the feeling you are experiencing.

Why do we regret things later?

The reason: 

1- because the mind stops thinking at the moment of human emotion (the mind does not work under pressure) The solution: to train himself to control his emotions and control On his sense of the moment position. 

2- The people who are most critical of other people's looks and dress on occasions, are the worst in taste among them, and use the method of smashing to compensate for the deficiency inside them! 

 3-People who criticize everything big and small suffer from self-confidence problems, and if they are your friends, they negatively affect your success.! but all your life.

 4-You are the one who creates the ego of others in the way you deal with them. 

5- We need disagreement sometimes to know what others hide in their hearts. You may find what makes you dazed, and you may find what you bow to in respect... Anger exposes morals. 

6-Strength of character does not mean controlling and controlling others, but rather that people see you as a strong, balanced person and trust you, your opinions, and their independence. 

 7- The person who gets angry with you and then comes back to talk to you without stubbornness or nervousness, he is a pure and honest personality and he is the most person you should not lose. She is the most loyal person.

8- Why does the appropriate response not come in our minds until after the situation is over and we regret it?

9-  dangerous psychological facts - YouTube

10- Being away from God will only produce gallstones.

The talents of intelligence, strength, beauty and knowledge

They all turn into misfortunes and misfortunes

11- When you are deprived of God's success and blessing


12- Human happiness is

Thanks, patience and forgiveness

 ❤ Finally when you quit addicting to something! The first thing you will face is thinking about him in your spare time. If you kill the void, you win! 👌 🌹🌹 


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